
Date: 2007-03-16
Event: SXSW / Bueno Music Bureau Party
Venue: Long Branch Inn
City: Austin
State: TX
Country: United States
Recorded: No

Tour: SXSW 2007


No Setlist Available.


After some apparent confusion about the location of this set, Snowden sent out an email confirming it would go down @ Long Branch Inn. Their set started at midnight and was their third and final of the day. From a blog by David: "This made for a really intimate show, which was perfect in a room full of drunken crazy people. I learned the Long Branch Inn is more of a local haunt and I definitely got that kind of vibe. It’s the dive bar in Austin that all the hipsters go to, as well as the bikers and just plain crazy fun people. We had a blast. People were dancing and singing along. This was by far the most fun I’d had at any of our shows during SXSW. Afterwards we hung out and partied and talked to people until the place closed down."