Title: The Snowden EP
Release Type: Retail
Release Date: 2003-00-00
Format: CD
Label: Self Released, Stickfigure Distribution
Country: United States
Notes:This is the original release of The Snowden EP, which has also been referred to as "1.0." The songs would soon be re-recorded and released with identical packaging and all remaining original copies destroyed.
Tracklist:1) Victim Card2) Good News3) Chin Up4) Kill The Power5) Come Around6) Anybody Else
Title: The Snowden EP v2.0
Release Type: Retail
Release Date: 2005-00-00
Format: CD
Label: Self Released, Stickfigure Distribution
Country: United States
Notes:This is the re-recorded version of The Snowden EP, which is commonly referred to as "The Snowden EP v2.0." The songs were re-recorded and released with identical packaging (except for the CD itself) and all remaining original copies destroyed.
Tracklist:1) Victim Card2) Good News3) Chin Up4) Kill The Power5) Come Around6) Anybody Else
Title: The Snowden EP
Release Type: Digital
Release Date: 2003-00-00
Format: Download
Label: Self Released
Country: Global
Notes:The band offered the songs for free download and prompted listeners for an optional "pay what you want" donation, thus creating what is commonly erroneously referred to as the "Radiohead Model." This is truly the "Snowden Model."
Tracklist:1) Victim Card2) Good News3) Chin Up4) Kill The Power5) Come Around6) Anybody Else